making flat white coffee

What is a Flat White?

Lets start by mentioning this is our Personal favourite!!

A flat white is a harmonious fusion of velvety textured milk and a well-balanced shot of espresso, resulting in a satisfying and flavourful drink. This drink is similar to a latte but smaller in volume and with a higher proportion of coffee to milk. With the milk being more velvety in consistency, this drink has a good balance between the boldness of espresso and the smoothness of milk, which makes this drink a favourite choice. Also, it is often served in smaller cups compared to other milk-based coffee drinks. This smaller size allows the flavours to remain concentrated and ensures that each sip delivers a consistent and satisfying taste.

Did you know?

This drink originated in Australia and New Zealand, it has been around since the 1960’s but in recent years has gained global recognition. The flavour profile of a flat white is characterised by the rich, full-bodied taste of espresso combined with the subtle sweetness of the steamed milk. This drink offers a well-rounded experience with a hint of caramel or chocolate notes from the espresso, which perfectly harmonise with the creamy and silky texture of the milk.


To make this drink you will need:

-Dark roast coffee beans
-Milk (whole milk is commonly used)


1. Preheat your cup and extract a double shot of espresso. You can also use one shot, but it is often made with a double shot for a stronger flavour.

2. Steam the milk in a jug, typically up to 65°C degrees (150°F). Make sure you get a velvety consistency by creating a microfoam. Not too much froth.

3. Carefully pour the milk over your double espresso in a steady stream from a slight height.
This technique is known as “free-pouring” and it allows the milk and the espresso to integrate, creating a harmonious blend and a distinct visual pattern on the surface of the drink.

You are now ready to enjoy your flat white!

In recent years, the flat white has gained popularity in coffee culture around the world. Its combination of a strong espresso and velvety milk has captivated the palates of coffee connoisseurs seeking a refined and well-crafted beverage. Whether enjoyed as a morning ritual, an afternoon pick-me-up, or a moment of indulgence. The flat white continues to be cherished for its exquisite taste and the artistry to create it.

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