Caffe Latte

The Latte

How to make this delightful drink

What is a latte? The latte, also known as caffe latte, is a popular drink that originated in Italy, its name “latte” comes from the Italian word for milk. The drink itself is a combination of espresso and steamed milk with a thin layer of frothed milk on top.


The origins of the latte can be traced back to the traditional Italian espresso culture, which dates back to the early 20th century. In Italy, coffee is an integral part of daily life, and various espresso-based drinks have been enjoyed for decades.

The latte, as we know it today, emerged as a variation of the cappuccino, another famous Italian coffee drink. Cappuccino is traditionally made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. However, this drink differentiates itself by having more steamed milk and less foam.

The latte gained popularity outside of Italy in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly in the United States and other parts of the world. It becamed a favoured choice in coffee shops and cafes due to its creamy and milder taste compared to stronger espresso shots.

The drink’s appeal lies in its smooth and balanced flavour, combining the rich intensity of espresso with the creamy texture of steamed milk. Its often enjoyed as a comforting and indulgent coffee beverage. Sometimes this drink is enhanced with syrups or flavourings for added variety.

Today, the latte continues to be a staple in coffee culture worldwide, with countless variations and creative twists to suit different tastes and preferences. It remains a beloved choice for coffee enthusiasts seeking a delicious and satisfying coffee experience.

Let’s get to the best part: How to make this drink, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make a latte at home. We use our Sage barista machine to make this drink but you can also make this without a machine.

Crafting a latte

You’ll need:

– Medium or dark roast coffee beans/ground

– Milk

– Syrups/flavourings (optional)


1. Brew espresso or strong coffee: If you have an espresso machine, use it to brew a shot of espresso. Alternatively, you can make a strong cup of coffee using your preferred brewing method.

2. Steam and Froth the milk: In a jug pour the desired amount of milk and steam, the goal is to created a creamy, velvety texture with microfoam. If you don’t have a frother, you can heat the milk and use a handheld frother or whish to create foam.

3. Pour the espresso and flavourings: Pour the freshly brewed espresso or strong coffee into a coffee cup. If desired, add any sweeteners or flavourings such as vanilla syrup or caramel syrup. Stir well to incorporate.

4. Pour the steamed milk: Slowly pour the steamed milk into the coffee cup, ideally you should have a thin layer of foam on top.

Serve your homemade latte immediately while it’s still hot and the flavours are at their best. Take a moment to appreciate the creamy texture, espresso aroma, and the rich tate of your latte.

Happy sipping!

By following these steps, you can make a satisfying latte right in the comfort of your home. With practice, you can perfect the milk frothing technique. Even experiment with different flavours or latte art design to customise your latte to your liking.

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