a bag of coffee beans next to a coffee grinder Turkish coffee

Coffee in Turkiye

From its History to Modern Coffee Shops

Brewing Centuries of Tradition: The Rich History of Coffee in Turkiye

Coffee, a beloved beverage that transcends cultures and continents, has an intricate history woven into the fabric of Turkiye’s cultural tapestry. From its humble beginning as a mysterious dark elixir to its role as a social cornerstone, the journey of coffee in Turkiye is one of intrigue, tradition, and lasting impact. In this post, we will delve into the fascinating history of coffee in Turkiye. We will trace its origins, influence, and enduring significance.

The Arrival of Coffee and the Rise of Coffeehouses

The story of coffee in Turkiye begins in the 16th century with the Ottoman Empire’s engagement with the Arab world and their discovery of this enchanting drink. Legend has it that in 1555, two Syrian traders introduced coffee to the Ottoman court when Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent was ruling. The fascination with coffee’s stimulating effects led to its rapid integration onto Ottoman culture, captivating not only the palates of the elite but also the hearts of the common people.

Coffee rapidly gained popularity and coffeehouses, known as “kahvehane” in Turkish, began to spring up throughout the empire. These establishments became more than just places to enjoy a cup of coffee. They evolved into intellectual and social hubs where individuals would gather to discuss different subjects such as politics, literature, and philosophy. Coffeehouses became instrumental in shaping public opinion and fostering a sense of community. This has left an indelible mark on Turkish society.

The Preparation: Turkish Coffee Ritual

Distinct from other coffee preparations, Turkish coffee is renowned for its unique brewing method. Ground to a fine powder, the coffee is simmered with water and sugar in a special pot called a “cevze”. This meticulous preparation not only yields a strong and aromatic brew but also allows for the formation of a thick foam on top, adding to the sensory experience. The coffee is often served in small cups, accompanied by a glass of water to cleanse the palate between sips.

Modern Resurgence and Global influence

While researching the history of coffee in Turkiye we found an interesting fact: coffee was introduced to Europe by the Turks! Yes that’s right, it was first introduced when the Ottoman Empire invaded Hungary in 1526. The first route of travel for coffee was through the sprawling Ottoman Empire that allowed transportation of goods such as coffee to make their way into Europe. Coffee rapidly became a crucial part of culture in most of the European continent.

While the Ottoman Empire dissolved in the early 20th century, the legacy of Turkish coffee remained strong. In recent decades, there has been a resurgence of interest in traditional coffee preparation methods and the unique coffeehouse culture. This revival has not only rekindled appreciation within Turkiye but has also gained attention on the global stage. Turkish coffee, with its rich history and distinct preparation, has found its way into coffee shops around the world, allowing people everywhere the opportunity to get a taste of Turkiye’s cultural heritage.

There has also emerged a new wave of coffee culture: the specialty coffee movement. As the world experience a heightened appreciation for the art of coffee, Turkiye has embraced this trend with its own unique twist.

The Foundation of Specialty Coffee

The specialty coffee movement emerged as a response to its growing demand for higher-quality coffee. It sought to highlight the unique flavours, origins, and stories behind each coffee bean. While traditional Turkish coffee held a significant place in Turkish culture, specialty coffee brought a new level of focus on sourcing, roasting, brewing methods, and the overall experience.

The specialty coffee movement started in the larger cities of Turkiye, such as Istanbul and Ankara. Pioneering coffee shops began to experiment with single-origin beans, precise brewing techniques and a dedication to educating consumers about coffee. These establishments aimed to elevate the coffee drinking experience by offering a diverse range of flavours and profiles.

Third Wave Coffee Culture

The concept of the “third wave” of coffee involves treating coffee as an artisanal product, similar to wine or gourmet cuisine. In Turkiye, this movement gained traction in the early 2010s. Coffee enthusiasts and entrepreneurs began to establish coffee shops that focused on transparency in sourcing, sustainable practices, and promoting direct relationships with coffee farmers. The emphasis shifted from quantity to quality, sparking a revolution in how people perceived and consumed coffee.

Specialty coffee shops in Turkiye took roasting to a new level. Roasters began to explore lighter roasts, which allowed the inherent flavours of the coffee to shine through. This departure from the traditional dark roasts of Turkish coffee contributed to the diversification of coffee profiles available to consumers. The aesthetic and ambiance of specialty coffee shops in Turkiye played a pivotal role in attracting a diverse clientele. These shops embraced modern and minimalistic designs, often incorporating elements of Turkish culture to create a unique and inviting atmosphere. Customers were not just visiting for the coffee; they were indulging in a sensory experience. Coffee shops became centres for learning and community engagement.

Turkiye’s specialty coffee movement did not stay confined to its borders. Coffee enthusiast flocked to cupping sessions, workshops on brewing methods, and even trips to coffee farms to gain a deeper understanding of the journey from bean to cup. As Turkish coffee entrepreneurs participated in international coffee competitions and collaborations, the world began to take notice of the country’s dedication to elevating coffee culture. This recognition further fuelled the momentum of the specialty coffee scene in Turkiye.

The history of coffee in Turkiye is a story of cultural exchange, adaptation, and the power of a simple beverage to connect people across time and space. From its modest beginnings in the Ottoman Empire to its enduring presence in modern coffee culture, coffee has woven itself into the fabric of Turkish society. Next time you savour your next cup of aromatic coffee in Turkiye, remember that you’re not just drinking a beverage – you’re participating in a tradition that spans centuries, uniting generations and celebrating the essence of human connection.

Our List of Favourite Coffee Shops

In this section you’ll find our personal list of favourite coffee shops in different parts of Turkiye. This list will keep growing as we plan to visit this beautiful country again. You are welcome to join us in this entertaining experience! For up-to-date coffee shop tours please follow us on our Instagram or Facebook page. Happy sipping!

Espresso Lab Roastery, Merter, Istanbul and other locations

Sagra 1936, Karakoy, Istanbul

Piccolo Coffee Shop, Fatih, Istanbul

Ihsan Kurukahvecioglu, Fatih, Istanbul (best place to buy coffee beans or ground coffee)

Bobby Coffee Company, Pergamon/ Izmir

MOC Coffee, Istanbul and other locations

Fratelli Coffee Roasters, Fethiye

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