Top 5 Coffee Recipes for this Winter

Top 5 Coffee Recipes for this Winter

Winter is here and there are two types of people in this world: those who love winter and those who hate it. I don’t want to say that I hate winter (i’ll save that for the end of march) as there are many things I actually enjoy about this season. And the thing that I…

Cappuccino- Origin and how to make it

Cappuccino- Origin and how to make it

The cappuccino is a popular espresso-based coffee drink that originated in Italy. This drink has a long and rich history. The drink evolved from traditional espresso preparations and gained prominence in Italy during the 20th century. The origin The exact origin of the cappuccino is not well-documented, but it is believed to have emerged in…

The Iced Latte

The Iced Latte

Exploring the Delights of this Cool and Creamy Delight As the summer heat rolls in, coffee lovers seek refreshing ways to enjoy their favorite caffeinated beverages. Enter the iced latte, a delightful concoction that combines the smoothness of a latte with the chill of ice. In this blog post, we dive into the world of…

Iced Coffee vs Cold Brew
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Iced Coffee vs Cold Brew

It’s a hot summer day and you go to your favourite coffee shop, when you look at their attractive menu your eyes go straight to the cold drinks section. It’s the perfect day for a refreshing cold coffee drink.. but which one? In this article, we’ll talk about two options: Iced coffee and cold brew….

The Art of Cortado

The Art of Cortado

A Perfect Balance of Espresso and Milk Coffee enthusiasts are constantly on the lookout for new and exciting ways to enjoy their favourite brew. One such delight that has gained popularity in recent years is the cortado coffee. A cortado is a harmonious combination of espresso and steamed milk, meticulously crafted to achieve a balanced…

What is a Flat White?

What is a Flat White?

Lets start by mentioning this is our Personal favourite!! A flat white is a harmonious fusion of velvety textured milk and a well-balanced shot of espresso, resulting in a satisfying and flavourful drink. This drink is similar to a latte but smaller in volume and with a higher proportion of coffee to milk. With the…

What is a Mocha?

What is a Mocha?

There are different variations of this drink but the basis is a shot of espresso combined with chocolate powder or syrup, followed by milk.A mocha is often described as a latte flavoured with chocolate because it keeps the traditional latte ratio of one-third espresso and two-thirds steamed milk, plus a thin layer of milk foam,…