Moka Pot

Moka Pot

What is it and how to use it? “In casa un espresso come al bar” … Espresso at home just like in the bar. A Moka pot is basically a stovetop espresso maker, also known as a Moka pot coffee maker. It is a popular brewing device that produces a strong and rich coffee resembling…

Iced Coffee vs Cold Brew
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Iced Coffee vs Cold Brew

It’s a hot summer day and you go to your favourite coffee shop, when you look at their attractive menu your eyes go straight to the cold drinks section. It’s the perfect day for a refreshing cold coffee drink.. but which one? In this article, we’ll talk about two options: Iced coffee and cold brew….

The Bean Dealer

The Bean Dealer

Different types of coffee beans and how to store them Let’s spill the beans about coffee beans, are they really beans? No they’re not. Coffee plants are small shrubs or trees. These plants produce red, yellow and purple berries. Inside these berries there are seeds. Yes that’s right, coffee beans are seeds! Why are they…

Why drink Coffee? The benefits

Why drink Coffee? The benefits

Oh the smell of coffee, that wonderful aroma, the warmth, the taste… it’s like a hug in a mug. This aromatic elixir that awakens the senses and ignites the mind has captured the hearts of millions around the world. Whether you’re a black coffee aficionado or you prefer a frothy latte, there’s something about coffee…